Updated New Website!!!!
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:56 am
Well, it's been a while....but I am proud to announce that we have finally updated the website. It took a while to do (six hours as a matter of fact), but after long hard hours of no sleep, and strenuous work, and high spirits, we finally updated the site and hope you like it. He are just some of the things we had done:
We hope that you enjoy the All-New Website. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
The Webmaster/ Forum Administrator
- We gave the site a nifty new look that will grab the attention of speakers
- As you see above, the forum has a new logo which was kindly made for us by Chief. When you get a chance you can all write him a thank you for doing such a swell job. Thanks a million chief from all of Chrysler K-Car Club!!!!!
- We've made a news section, for your convenience, you can post, read, or comment.
- We've added to our list of sponsors.
- You can now directly log into the Forum from the Main Page. (see http://www.chryslerkcar.com)
- We've added an all new brochures and manuals page which you can access here: http://www.chryslerkcar.com/brochuresmanuals.htm
- Anything I've forgotten or missed....It's about 11:30 PM at night
We hope that you enjoy the All-New Website. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
The Webmaster/ Forum Administrator