coolant being burned, but compression is good.

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coolant being burned, but compression is good.

Postby niceold600 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:05 pm

my 1986 dodge 600 2.5litre automatic has started to burn a lot of coolant. there's no coolant in the oil and no oil in the coolant.

i checked compression and it is excellent on all 4 cylinders, so i am wondering if there is some way for coolant to get into the combustion chamber via the intake ? it's hard to see the backside of the engine, but i see heater hoses joining the intake manifold somehow ... wonder if there is a problem back there ?

anyone have any insights into this problem ? any head gasket problem i have ever encountered was always pinpointed by a quick compression test, so this one has me puzzled.

thanks for any help you can offer.
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Re: coolant being burned, but compression is good.

Postby Kwagon2 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:12 pm

If you're wondering about the intake , the 2.5 and 2.2 do have a water passage for Carb/Throttle Body heat , if there is a crack or corrosion you may be able to get some leakage into the intake... Usually if the head gasket goes you don't always get low compression but most times you will see an external sign of leakage...
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Re: coolant being burned, but compression is good.

Postby 89ARIES » Wed Jan 27, 2016 4:08 am

My 1989 Dodge Aries LE Coupe just over a year ago blew a headgasket the way you are describing. No overheating, coolant disappearing, no mixing oil, even had to add some every 200 miles.
It sounds as though your headgasket blew on towards the outside edge, forcing coolant out instead of in. It may start to affect your idle a little. It has since been replaced. :mrgreen:
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