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The Chrysler K-Car Club: PLEASE READ, thankyou.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:52 am
by 89ARIES
Hello folks,

On a positive note, we got our first national media coverage indirectly when Jay
Leno interviewed me and my wagon. I will be bringing both my K-cars this year,
and we will enjoy the MOPAR limelight. I will bring certificates again and some gift cards.
I will be giving out an award as well for the person that comes the farthest distance.
So, if you live in Northern California, Arizona, Oregon, Nevada, or Washington, consider
making the drive if your pocketbook and huge amounts of free time will allow. Consider
that our cars are now almost 30 years old, and meetings like this our rare. The only other
show in the United States with more than 5 K-Cars will be at Chrysler at Carlisle, Pennsylvania
in July 2015. It is MOPAR NATIONAL with 3,000 cars. I want to save up money and drive my wagon across country to that.

We have never had t-shirts, as I never received any head counts. I still have the designs
and some potential retailers. Let me know. I will be wearing my CKCC Mexico shirt in style.

On a personal note, if any of you are interested, my grandmother almost died, I am almost
broke, and my family business may be folding as we are evicted at the end of September. I will
prevail. I can always sell my cars and look for another job.

I have also filed documents to get us incorporated as the Chrysler K-Car Club, Inc. 501(c) Non-Profit, so maybe we can gain some repair assistance.
I already know who I am choosing for the board, they are those that are actual supporters.

If your car is broke, check out my resources, or sell your car to someone in Mexico, or better yet,
drive into Mexico, get your car fixed down there, and hang out with the club down there.
And here is a fact, if you don't really like your car, donate it to a Mexican, they do.
We could use a lot more Mexicans in this club, as they are keeping the dream alive.
Boxy, classic luxury economy just may not be your cup of tea. Get an expensive Mustang.

But if you crush your car, or don't tell us that you sold it, shame on you big time. You owe us at least a chance to save these cars, as we have put out a lot for you
by welcoming you into this support site for your car. If you are now a seller, I expect you to give us the first look at your car, it is only fair.

For those that still can remember their passwords, log onto the forum at and give us an update. If you are a facebook user, beware of the social media pirates that steal other people's websites. Don't listen to them as one in particular is on the loose. He is pretending to be the club leader with a copycat page.

Anyway, for the only K-car event in most of the United States, I am willing to put aside my differences with Ed Garren, and let him park with us. Let us park together and enjoy the classic K-cars. We are still gaining new members everyday, however far away they may be.

Now, for those of you that ignore all my emails and never come to events, I don't know why you put up with me. Let me know if you want to be removed from my email list so my updates don't distract you from what you are doing.

For those that don't know a thing about me, I am very fair and generous to our members, and it takes a lot before I close the door on someone. Online piracy and slander is a biggie in this club, and those are the only reasons I have had to close the door . So, this closing is not intended to single anyone out or test your loyalty, or even your K-car passion. It is letting you know how things stand right now in our club. We are struggling to get more decent folks to support our mission, know how to have fun, and how to behave. This includes K-car sales solicitations, helping out with repairs, and going to car shows. As a minimum, it should include some regular annual email contact and attendance of the Spring Fling, as that event alone is what keeps us in the limelight. Your donations would help us fund everyone's admission fee that we have to pay. Since we really have nothing to lose, I might make annual dues mandatory at some level to separate the sheep from the goats. I tried that before and many complained because they wanted something for nothing.