Antispammer SWAT team. Calling for Volunteers.

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Re: Antispammer SWAT team. Calling for Volunteers.

Postby dodgeariesguy » Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:11 am

I'm a mod and I can't delete posts be it spam or otherwise, really annoying sometimes...
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Re: Antispammer SWAT team. Calling for Volunteers.

Postby K-CAR_WAGON » Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:30 pm

Do you have access to a moderator control control panel? I think if the moderator control panel is set up properly you should have delete cpability.
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Re: Antispammer SWAT team. Calling for Volunteers.

Postby MyDodgeDip » Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:21 pm

Ok, What are we doing about this spam stuff? It's all over the forum and sits there for days. All we need is to give a couple people the power to delete posts as moderators. If we need to have a vote and elect people, lets do it. It makes the forums look like garbage and wastes space.

Re: Antispammer SWAT team. Calling for Volunteers.

Postby Jacks1986Lebaron » Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:03 pm

MyDodgeDip wrote:Ok, What are we doing about this spam stuff? It's all over the forum and sits there for days. All we need is to give a couple people the power to delete posts as moderators. If we need to have a vote and elect people, lets do it. It makes the forums look like garbage and wastes space.

I totally agree.

In fact just this morning, there are 3 or 4 spam members posting crap.

I have not been on the internet for 5 days due to storms, I come here first and it is spam city. I posted a post on how to get rid of this crap to whomever has the powers to be.

looks like this is going to continue getting worse, and that is a shame. But its a walking land-mine in here.
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Re: Antispammer SWAT team. Calling for Volunteers.

Postby K-CAR_WAGON » Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:17 pm

This Website is in bad condition and leaves a poor impression on anyone new coming to view it. As a minimum: (i) the spam issue needs to addressed and not ignored (someone needs authorization to delete spam); (ii) access to the technical section needs to be enabled for members who have logged in; and (iii) some of the dead ends on the main page need to be deleted. Maybe we can use club funds to get someone to do minor repirs to the Website if the Webmaster just does not have the time or interest to do the updates. Or maybe we should switch over to the alternative K-car club forum website.
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Re: Antispammer SWAT team. Calling for Volunteers.

Postby MyDodgeDip » Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:38 pm

Any update on this issue...? Anyone doing anything about it...?

Re: Antispammer SWAT team. Calling for Volunteers.

Postby Guest » Thu May 05, 2011 2:41 pm

This is listed in the frequently asked question sections:

» Why does my post need to be approved?
The board administrator may have decided that posts in the forum you are posting to require review before submission. It is also possible that the administrator has placed you in a group of users whose posts require review before submission. Please contact the board administrator for further details.

Why isn't this implemented for newly registered users to prevent spam???

Re: Antispammer SWAT team. Calling for Volunteers.

Postby jed1977 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:49 pm

I will help out if ya still need folks.

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Re: Antispammer SWAT team. Calling for Volunteers.

Postby inrltd » Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:58 pm

i was just going to post for you to open up the forums.. but if there is people like that posting negative and downright ignorant stuff there is no reason to ...

now i see why it is highly moderated.. let me know if you need any help and if there is anything i can do..

im trying to figure out how to pay the 10 dollars for members.. im new.. but will only take me a hour to master these forums, hope they open up soon
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